Golf Specialized Hospital

Golf Specialized Hospital

Golf Specialized Hospital

Golf Specialized Hospital

Golf Specialized Hospital

Golf Specialized Hospital

Golf Specialized Hospital

Golf Specialized Hospital

Golf Specialized Hospital

Golf Specialized Hospital

Golf Specialized Hospital

Golf Specialized Hospital

Golf Specialized Hospital

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Address of Golf Specialized Hospital

17 El Rahala El Baghdady St, Masaken Al Mohandesin, Nasr City, Cairo Governorate
Heliopolis Cairo

Phone Numbers Golf Specialized Hospital

Fax : 24152983

Golf Specialized Hospital contains all the delicate specialties on which a group of university professors and consultants who have the highest degrees in their field of specialization are based.
Golf Specialized Hospital aims to provide medical services under the supervision of professors and consultants in Egyptian universities, and complete coordination between the therapeutic, surgical and rehabilitative services for the disciplines of modern medicine.
Golf Specialized Hospital includes rooms fully equipped with electric moving beds, air conditioning, televisions, refrigerator, and a private bathroom. All rooms are fully prepared for emergencies from medical gas connections, etc.
The hospital contains five operating rooms equipped for full and local anesthesia with the latest American and German devices, and equipped with central air conditioning with bacterial filters.
The hospital has an integrated sterilization unit to ensure complete protection from any bacteria or infectious diseases
Golf Specialist Hospital has expertise in the healthcare sector and is known for providing high quality healthcare and valuable expertise to all patients
Healthcare at Golf Specialist Hospital is provided by a team of dedicated medical professionals who have knowledge and experience in all specialties as well as providing high quality medical care services to all patients.
It also offers the highest modern medical technologies in diagnosis and treatment with high levels of medical competencies, a nursing staff with scientific qualifications, in addition to medical services in outpatient clinics, covering all specialties, as well as emergency services, medical laboratory and radiology.

The surgeries in the hospital that are performed are based on the idea of ​​one-day surgeries in order to use the latest surgical methods and anesthesia systems and thus reduce the recovery period and the costs of the operation and the patient or his family does not feel tired as a result of the stay in the hospital
The hospital is equipped with the latest plastic and general surgery equipment, so the patient is not transferred, thus saving time and reducing costs
It offers the finest and most modern medical service specialized in all medical fields, with the patient's freedom to choose the follow-up and rehabilitation system at all stages of treatment
It aims to provide medical services under the supervision of professors and consultants in Egyptian universities, and complete coordination between the therapeutic, surgical and rehabilitative services for the disciplines of modern medicine.

Keywords About Golf Specialized Hospital
  • Golf Specialized Hospital phone number
  • Address of Golf Specialized Hospital
  • Golf Specialized Hospital Timings
  • Book an appointment at Golf Specialized Hospital
  • Golf Specialized Hospital reception number
  • Departments of Golf Specialized Hospital

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