Coptic Mahabba Hospital

Coptic Mahabba Hospital

Coptic Mahabba Hospital

Coptic Mahabba Hospital

Address of Coptic Mahabba Hospital

9 Geziret Badran St , In Front Of Toshiba El Araby, Shoubra, Cairo
Shoubra Misr Cairo

Phone Numbers Coptic Mahabba Hospital

Fax : 02-25769908

Al Mahaba Hospital contains outpatient clinics in all specialties:
radiology department
Operations of all kinds
Intensive care
sonar devices
24 hour emergency
Al Mahaba Hospital has the best medical staff, and it also provides the best care for the patient and escort

️ Al-Mahabah Hospital has the best x-ray and examination equipment such as a duplexer (Doppler), a television x-ray (sonar) on the abdomen, and many other devices
The outpatient department includes all specialties at the hands of the most efficient consultant professors, taking into account the hospital’s provision of an integrated medical service
The hospital offers the finest and latest specialized medical care, taking into account the comfort of patients

Keywords About Al-Mahabah Hospital
  • Al-Mahabah Hospital phone number
  • Address of Taiba Hospital for Al-Mahabah Hospital
  • Book an appointment at Al-Mahabah Hospital
  • Al-Mahabah Hospital reception number
  • Al-Mahabah Hospital Timings
  • Doctors of Al-Mahabah Hospital
  • Specialties of Al-Mahabah Hospital
  • Departments of Al-Mahabah Hospital

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