Dr. Hamed Barham Hamed

Address of Dr. Hamed Barham Hamed

41 Mohamed Abdel Salam St., Sidi Beshr, Alexandria
El Nozha Alexandria

Phone Numbers Dr. Hamed Barham Hamed

Dr. Hamed Barham Hamed, a consultant psychiatrist.

Psychiatrist specializing in marital and family problems, psychotherapy sessions, child psychiatry, treatment and rehabilitation of drug and alcohol addiction patients.

Specializes in Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Bipolar Disorder / Behavioral and Affective Disorders and Marital and Family Problems Solving.

Keywords About Dr. Hamed Barham Hamed

Dr. Hamed Barham Hamed phone number
Address of Dr. Hamed Barham Hamed
Book an appointment in Dr. Hamed Barham Hamed
Dr. Hamed Barham Hamed reception number

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