Al-Huda Islamic Hospital

Al-Huda Islamic Hospital

Al-Huda Islamic Hospital

Address of Al-Huda Islamic Hospital

El Faydy St. - Atlas, Beside Fever Hospital, Lieutenant-General Abdel Moneim, Qism Helwan, Cairo Governorate Helwan, Cairo
Helwan Cairo

Phone Numbers Al-Huda Islamic Hospital

Fax : 02-27649028

Al-Huda Islamic Hospital provides medical care to all clients through a group of professors and consultants and provides the best services for patient care in all specialties.
Al-Huda Islamic Hospital contains most of the medical specialties, which are "heart - brain and nerves - digestive system and endoscopy - nephrology and surgery - orthopedics - joint and cartilage treatment - fracture clinic - internal medicine - urinary tract - general surgery - physical therapy for men and women - anti-smoking - rheumatism"
Al-Huda Islamic Hospital has a distinguished team of consultants and health care specialists with multiple experiences who are able to treat and follow up on all pathological conditions and medical problems.
Keywords About Al-Huda Islamic Hospital
  • Al-Huda Islamic Hospital phone number
  • Address of Al-Huda Islamic Hospital
  • Book an appointment at Al-Huda Islamic Hospital
  • Al-Huda Islamic Hospital reception number
  • Specialties of Al-Huda Islamic Hospital
  • Al-Huda Islamic Hospital Laboratory
  • The best doctor in Al-Huda Islamic Hospital
  • Al-Huda Islamic Hospital Clinics Timings
  • Numbers of Al-Huda Islamic Hospital in Helwan
  • Al Huda Atlas Hospital No
  • Al Huda Specialized Hospital No
  • Al-Huda Islamic Hospital Bulaq
  • Birth prices at Al-Huda Hospital
  • Al-Huda Specialized Hospital, Helwan Department

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