Rakhawy Hospital for Mental Health and Addiction Treatment

Rakhawy Hospital for Mental Health and Addiction Treatment

Rakhawy Hospital for Mental Health and Addiction Treatment

Rakhawy Hospital for Mental Health and Addiction Treatment

Rakhawy Hospital for Mental Health and Addiction Treatment

Rakhawy Hospital for Mental Health and Addiction Treatment

Rakhawy Hospital for Mental Health and Addiction Treatment

Rakhawy Hospital for Mental Health and Addiction Treatment

Rakhawy Hospital for Mental Health and Addiction Treatment

Rakhawy Hospital for Mental Health and Addiction Treatment

Rakhawy Hospital for Mental Health and Addiction Treatment

Email : info@rakhawyhospital.org

Address of Rakhawy Hospital for Mental Health and Addiction Treatment

Street 12 from Street 10 - Mokattam City - Cairo
Mokattam Cairo

Phone Numbers Rakhawy Hospital for Mental Health and Addiction Treatment

Rakhawy Hospital “Dar El Mokattam” is the first medical community in Egypt and the Middle East, an entity that bears distinctive cultural marks and imprints within an integrated human framework.
The idea of ​​Yahya Rakhawy School began in 1963 when he was a teaching assistant in the Department of Psychiatry at Cairo University, and then crystallized in 1973 after the establishment of the first therapeutic community in Egypt and the Middle East (Al-Rakhawi Hospital for Mental Health and Addiction Treatment “Dar Al-Mokattam”). Distinguished cultural in an integrated human framework.

Outpatient psychiatry clinics provide counseling, psychological examination, care and rehabilitation services.

In-clinic care always begins with examination and assessment visits. Patients receive a care recommendation after visits, or care continues in a psychiatric outpatient setting.

The outpatient psychiatry clinic offers different forms of care, namely: family and network therapy - network therapy, individual therapy, various types of group therapy, occupational therapy, and medical therapy. Treatments are planned and completed treatments evaluated with patients at regular intervals.
The emergency staff works in each psychiatric outpatient clinic to treat psychiatric emergencies. The emergency work team can be used in situations in which the patient suffers from serious psychological symptoms, such as: suicidal thoughts, psychotic symptoms, or any such threat, or severe depression, or when he is in the middle of a serious life crisis accompanied by symptoms of mental illness.
At the Rakhawi Foundation, we provide a continuous series of treatment to meet your individual needs, and to help you live well. We help you find and learn practical skills to treat a number of behavioral concerns and life problems and the art of dealing with them.
The day center at Rakhawy Hospital provides structured mental health services to patients who do not need treatment around the clock. Of course they receive help in case of any psychological disturbance during the day, but they return home at night to maintain important family and community relationships.
It may be a suitable alternative or transition from inpatient treatment for patients who do not pose a risk to themselves or others. We also offer specialized partial hospitalization programs to meet the treatment needs of specific groups.
Behavioral and emotional concerns may affect daily life; This creates additional problems that can worsen over time without help. The specialists at the Outpatient Psychotherapy Center provide accessible, comprehensive health and behavioral care. They can also help identify and treat troubling feelings or emotional illnesses that affect you or a loved one.
Keywords About Rakhawy Hospital for Mental Health and Addiction Treatment
  • Rakhawy Hospital for Mental Health and Addiction Treatment phone number
  • Address of Rakhawy Hospital for Mental Health and Addiction Treatment
  • Rakhawy Hospital for Mental Health and Addiction Treatment Timings
  • Book an appointment at Rakhawy Hospital for Mental Health and Addiction Treatment
  • Rakhawy Hospital for Mental Health and Addiction Treatment reception number
  • Departments of Rakhawy Hospital for Mental Health and Addiction Treatment

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