Al-Wejdan Center for Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment

Al-Wejdan Center for Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment

Al-Wejdan Center for Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment

Al-Wejdan Center for Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment

Al-Wejdan Center for Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment

Al-Wejdan Center for Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment

Al-Wejdan Center for Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment

Al-Wejdan Center for Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment

Al-Wejdan Center for Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment

Al-Wejdan Center for Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment

Al-Wejdan Center for Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment

Al-Wejdan Center for Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment

Al-Wejdan Center for Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment

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Address of Al-Wejdan Center for Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment

11 Sheikh Muhammad Al-Nadi Street in front of Badr Al-Islam Language Schools (two minutes from the intersection of Mustafa Al-Nahhas with Makram Ebeid) - Nasr City - Cairo
Nasr City Cairo

Phone Numbers Al-Wejdan Center for Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment

Al-Wejdan Center for Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment provides psychiatric outpatient services and internal detention for patients, men and women, and a special section for addiction
We assure you that we are at Al-Wejdan Center for Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment with you "24 hours" in the detection of emergency cases and internal reservation services in the center.
Because your time is important, and to prevent crowding, you can book your appointment at the various clinics of Al-Wjdan Center by phone:
01101038332 - 01033333237
Al-Wejdan Center provides outpatient services in all branches of psychiatry for adults, adolescents and children. To detect and treat:
Various mental illnesses (stress, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, insomnia, panic attacks...etc)
Addiction and personality disorders.
Treatment of psychotic disorders.
Treatment of hyperactivity and autism.
Pediatric behavioral disorders assessment.
A qualified medical staff of doctors and psychologists, providing all medical services and ways to comfort the patient
At Al-Wejdan Center, we offer you family counseling clinics that will help you achieve happiness and a sense of psychological satisfaction in your relationship.
This is done through consultants and specialists in the field of family and marital relations, and you can make the appropriate appointment over the phone.
There are different degrees of accommodation and a special section for women's reservation, under the 24 hour medical supervision of a specialized resident doctor and specialized nursing men and women, to provide full health care
Keywords About Al-Wejdan Center for Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment
  • Al-Wejdan Center for Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment phone number
  • Address of Al-Wejdan Center for Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment
  • Al-Wejdan Center for Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment Timings
  • Book an appointment at Al-Wejdan Center for Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment
  • Al-Wejdan Center for Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment reception number
  • Departments of Al-Wejdan Center for Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment

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