Al-Tayseer Medical Center in Tenth District

Al-Tayseer Medical Center in Tenth District

Al-Tayseer Medical Center in Tenth District

Al-Tayseer Medical Center in Tenth District

Al-Tayseer Medical Center in Tenth District

Al-Tayseer Medical Center in Tenth District

Al-Tayseer Medical Center in Tenth District

Address of Al-Tayseer Medical Center in Tenth District

2 Mohamed Mahdi Arafa St., 10th District, Nasr City, Cairo
Nasr City Cairo

Phone Numbers Al-Tayseer Medical Center in Tenth District

Al-Tayseer Medical Center contains all specialties, on which a group of university professors and consultants who have the highest degrees in their exact field of specialization are based.
Al-Tayseer Medical Center aims to provide medical services under the supervision of professors and consultants in Egyptian universities, and complete coordination between the therapeutic, surgical and rehabilitative services for the disciplines of modern medicine.
Al-Tayseer Medical Center has an integrated sterilization unit to ensure complete protection from any bacteria or infectious diseases
Al-Tayseer Medical Center has experience in the healthcare sector and is known for providing high quality healthcare and valuable experience to all patients

Healthcare at Al-Tayseer Medical Center is provided by a team of dedicated medical professionals who have knowledge and experience in all specialties in addition to providing high quality medical care services to all patients.

Al-Tayseer Medical Center’s lab depends on international quality standards by working with the latest equipment to get the most accurate results in the fastest time

There are many specialties received by Al-Tayseer Medical Center, which works hard to treat all patients in various specialties.

Keywords About Al-Tayseer Medical Center
  • Al-Tayseer Medical Center phone number
  • Address of Al-Tayseer Medical Center
  • Al-Tayseer Medical Center Timings
  • Book an appointment at Al-Tayseer Medical Center
  • Al-Tayseer Medical Center reception number
  • Departments of Al-Tayseer Medical Center

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