Al Fawzy Dental

Al Fawzy Dental

Al Fawzy Dental

Al Fawzy Dental

Al Fawzy Dental

Al Fawzy Dental

Al Fawzy Dental

Al Fawzy Dental

Al Fawzy Dental

Al Fawzy Dental

Al Fawzy Dental

Al Fawzy Dental

Al Fawzy Dental

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Address of Al Fawzy Dental

96 Nile st., Al Galaa Square, Al Agouzah, Giza, Egypt- 5th flooR
Dokki Giza

Phone Numbers Al Fawzy Dental

We are an expanding family based dental business established in 1999. Our two branches which are equipped with 9 dental units, are capable of treating an average of 150 patient/day. Multi-specialty group dental practice is what we offer to our patients. Our main branch has a breath taking Panoramic views on the River Nile.
We are affiliated with most of the locally based & international medical insurance entities.
Some of our patients are non Egyptians coming specially to be treated in our dental offices from all over the world.
Our core dental services are: Dental Implants, Smile makeover using German made Veneers, Orthodontics, Treatment under general Anesthesia, Treatment of special needs, treatment @ home & lots of other services.

Vision Statement: We look forward to be a well known dental facility in Egypt and Middle east that offers all integrated dental services to the community in a professional and friendly setting .

Mission Statement: Our mission as an expanding dental practice, is to make difference in a patient's life by providing exceptional dental care to all of our patients.

Our Managerial team is comprised of CEO, Managing Director, Operations Manager, Medical Manager, Financial Manager & Insurance Marketing Specialist. Our operators are both GPs and consultants, among them Implantologists, Prosthodontists, Orthodontist, Oral Surgeon, Periodontist, Pedodontist & many other specialists.

The goal of Al Fawzi Dental Clinics is to serve you with the best quality in all areas of dentistry, leaving you with a beautiful and healthy smile.
Abu Al-Makarem Dental Center is the largest center specialized in dental treatment and has a full staff of the best consultants in orthodontics and dental implants
Sterilization of tools and cleanliness of the place in Al Fawzi dental clinics is no less important than the importance of dental treatment
Keywords About Al Fawzy Dental
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  • Address of Al Fawzy Dental
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  • Book an appointment at Al Fawzy Dental
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  • Departments of Al Fawzy Dental

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