Middle East Hospital

Middle East Hospital

Middle East Hospital

Middle East Hospital

Middle East Hospital

Middle East Hospital

Address of Middle East Hospital

25 Fawzy Moaz St. - Smouha - Alexandria
Somoha Alexandria

Phone Numbers Middle East Hospital

Middle East Hospital provides medical services in all specialties in a new principle of medical care using the latest distinguished medical equipment and excellent hotel service for all grades in a high-level performance with a high degree of proficiency and at moderate prices that suit all levels from wings to daily cases
The intensive care rooms in the Middle East Hospital are equipped with the latest technologies and devices
A team of highly experienced doctors and nurses to deal with critical cases
Middle East Hospital offers you a premature baby care service with the latest technology
Ambulance in the Middle East Hospital is equipped with all specialties, from the first skilled doctors in all specialties, highly qualified nursing, and the latest x-ray and ultrasound equipment to the blood bank
As well as road accidents, so we need to transfer the patient as soon as possible to a well-equipped hospital, and the method of transporting the patient must be carefully and carefully, because he may have fractures, so he must move very carefully in a well-equipped car to a place equipped to receive them
Middle East Hospital Emergency at your service 24 hours
Middle East Hospital clinics include a selection of doctors with all medical specialties that the patient needs in one place.
Keywords About Middle East Hospital
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  • Address of Middle East Hospital
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  • Departments of Middle East Hospital

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