Al-Rehab Hospital in Sohag

Al-Rehab Hospital in Sohag

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Address of Al-Rehab Hospital in Sohag

Kiss the Passports in front of the Card Issuance Center - Sohag - Egypt
Sohag Sohag

Phone Numbers Al-Rehab Hospital in Sohag

Al-Rehab Hospital in Sohag  An integrated medical edifice for all the people of Upper Egypt
The hospital includes comprehensive outpatient clinics in all medical specialties
With senior professors, consultants and surgeons
Medical equipment at the highest level and the best means of periodic sterilization and disinfection
Al-Rehab Specialized Hospital provides you with the latest medical technologies, modern devices and all medical equipment, while providing the best surgical techniques at the highest level
To ensure the best diagnosis and treatment of patients' problems
Al-Rehab Specialist Hospital..... the best health care
Al-Rehab Hospital provides you with a highly qualified and experienced nursing staff to work around the clock at a high speed to deal periodically and regularly with all cases and provide all means of complete care
X-rays are one of the important things in diagnosing some diseases

The x-ray must be done in a place where there are some specialists in order to get the best possible result
And because in Al-Rehab Hospital, there is a medical team of the most skilled and best doctors and radiology technicians, you will be able to do your X-rays and you are assured that it will come out with the best quality and result because your doctor diagnoses your condition correctly
Al-Rehab Hospital provides you with a residence in the hospital under the supervision of a group of medical professors, senior consultants and specialists in all specialties with a medical care team of nurses trained at the highest level to deal with all cases quickly and efficiently and continuously follow up during the stay in order to provide you with a medical service at the highest level and the best care for the people of Sohag and the level
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  • Address of Al-Rehab Hospital
  • Al-Rehab Hospital Timings
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  • Departments of Al-Rehab Hospital

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