Al-Safa and Al-Marwa Specialized Hospital

Al-Safa and Al-Marwa Specialized Hospital

Al-Safa and Al-Marwa Specialized Hospital

Al-Safa and Al-Marwa Specialized Hospital

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Address of Al-Safa and Al-Marwa Specialized Hospital

Al Sharqawiya West Street, Shebin Al Qanater, Qalyubia
Shebein El Kanater Qalubia

Phone Numbers Al-Safa and Al-Marwa Specialized Hospital

Al Safa and Al Marwa Specialized Hospital has expertise in the healthcare sector and is well-known for providing high quality healthcare and valuable expertise to all patients.
Healthcare at Al Safa and Al Marwa Specialized Hospital is provided by a team of dedicated medical professionals who have knowledge and experience in all specialties in addition to providing high quality medical care services to all patients.
It also offers the highest modern medical technologies in diagnosis and treatment with high levels of medical competencies, a nursing staff with scientific qualifications, in addition to medical services in outpatient clinics, covering all specialties, as well as emergency services, medical laboratory and radiology.
It also aims to provide patients with the best healthcare experience in an affordable and affordable manner. Hence, the integrated medical team includes a group of reputable professors, consultants and specialists in all different medical specialties.

Keywords About Al Safa and Al Marwa Hospital
  • Al Safa and Al Marwa Hospital phone number
  • Address of Al Safa and Al Marwa Hospital
  • Al Safa and Al Marwa Hospital Timings
  • Book an appointment at Al Safa and Al Marwa Hospital
  • Al Safa and Al Marwa Hospital reception number
  • Al Safa and Al Marwa Hospital Hospital
  • Departments of Al Safa and Al Marwa Hospital

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