Nile Specialized Hospital - Dr. Abdel Shafi Tabl

Nile Specialized Hospital - Dr. Abdel Shafi Tabl

Nile Specialized Hospital - Dr. Abdel Shafi Tabl

Nile Specialized Hospital - Dr. Abdel Shafi Tabl

Nile Specialized Hospital - Dr. Abdel Shafi Tabl

Nile Specialized Hospital - Dr. Abdel Shafi Tabl

Nile Specialized Hospital - Dr. Abdel Shafi Tabl

Nile Specialized Hospital - Dr. Abdel Shafi Tabl

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Address of Nile Specialized Hospital - Dr. Abdel Shafi Tabl

Banha - Nile Corniche - Villas neighborhood - next to Qalyubia Governorate Diwan Building - Qalyubia
Banha Qalubia

Phone Numbers Nile Specialized Hospital - Dr. Abdel Shafi Tabl

Nile Specialized Heart Hospital - Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Shafi Tabl ((24 hours service))
The latest specialized hospital for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases in the city of Benha
The integrated heart clinic is equipped with all the medical equipment to diagnose and treat all cases of the heart and blood vessels (Cardiology clinic)
Intensive care unit for the treatment of heart attacks, angina pectoris and cardiac emergencies, equipped with resident cardiologists / university nursing (coronary care unit)
Echocardiography unit and color Doppler for adults, children and newborns. It also aims to provide patients with the best health care experience in an affordable and affordable manner. Therefore, the integrated medical team includes a group of reputable professors, consultants and specialists in all medical specialties. different.
Nile Specialist Hospital is also committed to providing an effective and high-quality service in outpatient clinics and for inpatients. The hospital respects the medical regulations that pertain to patients in terms of medical treatments and surgeries with the utmost confidentiality and privacy. The hospital also aims to provide high quality health care services to all patients.

Keywords About Dr.AbdelShafy Hospital
  • Dr.AbdelShafy Hospital phone number
  • Address of Dr.AbdelShafy Hospital
  • Dr.AbdelShafy Hospital Timings
  • Book an appointment at Dr.AbdelShafy Hospital
  • Dr.AbdelShafy Hospital reception number
  • Dr.AbdelShafy Hospital Hospital
  • Specialties of Dr.AbdelShafy Hospital
  • Departments of Dr.AbdelShafy Hospital

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