Ayady Almostakbal Hospital

Ayady Almostakbal Hospital

Ayady Almostakbal Hospital

Ayady Almostakbal Hospital

Ayady Almostakbal Hospital

Ayady Almostakbal Hospital

Ayady Almostakbal Hospital

Ayady Almostakbal Hospital

Ayady Almostakbal Hospital

Ayady Almostakbal Hospital

Ayady Almostakbal Hospital

Ayady Almostakbal Hospital

Email : fundraising@ayadyalmostakbal.org

Address of Ayady Almostakbal Hospital

Acacia Street, behind the International Park - Moharram Bey - Alexandria - Egypt
Moharram Baik Alexandria

Phone Numbers Ayady Almostakbal Hospital

Fax :

Ayady Almostakbal Hospital (a non-governmental, non-governmental association) is a non-profit organization dedicated to charitable works, registered under No. 1462 for the year 2002, established and managed Ayady Almostakbal Hospital Center for the treatment of tumors for the incapable for free.

The association’s board of directors, in coordination with the Royal Marsden Hospital in London, which is the second largest oncology institute in Europe, for free scientific cooperation to benefit from the latest experiences and to supervise the areas of establishing and equipping the center’s management.

Work was started in the hands of Ayady Almostakbal Hospital in the beginning of 2006 work was started in the center and the center recorded receiving about 600 oncology patients unable to be treated for free during the year 2006.

Ayady Almostakbal Hospital continued to receive new cases while continuing to provide treatment services to the rest of the patients. In late 2018, the center recorded reception of about 800 patients per day.

The hospital now owns 5 radiotherapy devices, including the latest device in the world, and has done more than one million radiotherapy sessions so far.

Keywords About Ayady Almostakbal Hospital
  • Ayady Almostakbal Hospital phone number
  • Address of Taiba Hospital for Ayady Almostakbal Hospital
  • Book an appointment at Ayady Almostakbal Hospital
  • Ayady Almostakbal Hospital reception number
  • Ayady Almostakbal Hospital Timings
  • Doctors of Ayady Almostakbal Hospital
  • Specialties of Ayady Almostakbal Hospital
  • Departments of Ayady Almostakbal Hospital

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