Dar Al Shifa Specialized Hospital in Tanta

Dar Al Shifa Specialized Hospital in Tanta

Dar Al Shifa Specialized Hospital in Tanta

Dar Al Shifa Specialized Hospital in Tanta

Dar Al Shifa Specialized Hospital in Tanta

Dar Al Shifa Specialized Hospital in Tanta

Dar Al Shifa Specialized Hospital in Tanta

Dar Al Shifa Specialized Hospital in Tanta

Dar Al Shifa Specialized Hospital in Tanta

Dar Al Shifa Specialized Hospital in Tanta

Dar Al Shifa Specialized Hospital in Tanta

Dar Al Shifa Specialized Hospital in Tanta

Address of Dar Al Shifa Specialized Hospital in Tanta

Muawiya Street, Tanta - Tanta Center, Gharbia
Tanta Gharbia

Phone Numbers Dar Al Shifa Specialized Hospital in Tanta

Dar Al Shifa Hospital is one of the largest medical institutions in the delta
And that is through its excellent medical care and services, and providing it for all cases
In all specialties:
Obstetrics, Gynecology, Pediatrics, Internal Medicine, Endoscopy, Ophthalmology and Orthopedics, facilitating access to complete healthcare under the supervision of the largest consultants in all specialties.
We are ready to receive all cases 24 hours a day
Private outpatient clinics in the hospital in all specialties and under the supervision of medical staff at the highest level

Dar Al Shifa Hospital is a specialized hospital that contains several specialties, including:

Obstetrics and gynecology - dentistry - analysis lab - radiology center - pharmacy - children's clinics

Internal medicine - orthopedics - dermatology - nurseries for children and newborns - general and private surgeries - internal emergency cases reception - pediatric emergency cases - a distinguished intensive care unit equipped with the latest medical devices

Reception Department: It is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week - Obstetrics and Gynecology emergency reception - General surgery emergency reception

It is also concerned with applying all daily precautionary measures to combat infection inside and outside the hospital

The hospital is characterized by the presence of an external accident unit equipped at the highest level to receive all cases 24 hours a day to provide an outstanding medical service, where an integrated medical team of doctors and nursing receives cases and deals with them, including the department’s high-tech devices, and is served by the rest of the hospital’s departments, each in its specialization

The hospital’s latest nursery and child care center has been operated... under the supervision of elite professors of pediatrics, neonatology and premature babies at the university.. The department contains the latest medical equipment.

Dar Al-Shifa Hospital has a distinguished intensive care unit equipped with the latest medical devices with a medical staff at the highest level specialized in critical cases

Keywords About Dar Al-Shifa Hospital
  • Dar Al-Shifa Hospital phone number
  • Address of Dar Al-Shifa Hospital
  • Book an appointment at Dar Al-Shifa Hospital
  • Dar Al-Shifa Hospital reception number
  • Dar Al-Shifa Hospital Timings
  • Doctors of Dar Al-Shifa Hospital
  • Specialties of Dar Al-Shifa Hospital
  • Departments of Dar Al-Shifa Hospital

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