Umm Al Masryeen Hospital

Umm Al Masryeen Hospital

Umm Al Masryeen Hospital

Umm Al Masryeen Hospital

Umm Al Masryeen Hospital

Umm Al Masryeen Hospital

Umm Al Masryeen Hospital

Umm Al Masryeen Hospital

Umm Al Masryeen Hospital

Umm Al Masryeen Hospital

Umm Al Masryeen Hospital

Umm Al Masryeen Hospital

Address of Umm Al Masryeen Hospital

Salah Salem St Umm El Masreyeen Sq , In Front Of Umm El Masreyeen Metro Station, Giza
Giza Giza

Phone Numbers Umm Al Masryeen Hospital

Fax : 02-35691214

Umm Al Masryeen Hospital contains a laboratory for medical analysis and 24 outpatient clinics in the specialties of (Pediatrics - Internal Medicine - Dermatology - Psychological and Neurological - Dental - Nose and Ear - Obstetrics and Gynecology - Ophthalmology) as well as 6 outpatient clinics (Internal Medicine - Orthopedics - Obstetrics and Gynecology - Dermatology - Nose). ear - conjunctivitis)

Umm Al Masryeen Hospital provides health services in accordance with the highest international quality standards to the beneficiaries of the comprehensive health insurance system

The treatment services provided by Umm Al Masryeen Hospital vary, as well as covering all medical specialties that the patient needs.

Distinguished services provided by Umm Al Masryen Hospital:

  • X-ray unit (MRI - CT scan)
  • Diabetic foot treatment unit
  • A 20-bed burn unit with a cosmetic surgery department
  • Upper and lower GI endoscopy unit
  • surgical endoscope
  • Psychiatric and neurological clinic
  • Radiology unit for early detection of breast cancer
  • Pacemaker and stress EKG unit
  • Cardiac ultrasound machine

Umm Al Masryeen Hospital has developed the medical departments and supported them with the latest equipment, in parallel with the application of the best quality standards to provide a high-level medical service to patients in order to contribute to improving the standard of living of citizens.

Keywords About Umm Al Masryeen Hospital
  • Umm Al Masryeen Hospital phone number
  • Address of Umm Al Masryeen Hospital
  • Book an appointment at Umm Al Masryeen Hospital
  • Umm Al Masryeen Hospital reception number
  • Umm Al Masryeen Hospital Timings
  • Doctors of Umm Al Masryeen Hospital
  • Specialties of Umm Al Masryeen Hospital
  • Departments of Umm Al Masryeen Hospital

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