El Kateb Hospital

El Kateb Hospital

El Kateb Hospital

El Kateb Hospital

El Kateb Hospital

El Kateb Hospital

Address of El Kateb Hospital

17 Hendawy _ Abdullah Al-Kateb, Dokki A, Dokki Department, Giza
Dokki Giza

Phone Numbers El Kateb Hospital

Fax : 02-37488811

Al-Kateb Hospital was established in 1946 by a group of highly skilled doctors, and it is a promising new addition to the Cleopatra Hospitals group.

The hospital offers a full range of surgical and medical services, as well as radiology, dialysis and emergency services. With Al-Kateb Hospital, Cleopatra Hospitals Group has added 89 beds and opened another center of excellence to its expanding list of specialties through the hospital’s Urology Center.

It also uses the latest medical devices and equipment with international technologies in the field of health care.
The hospital's emergency service operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and the pharmacy operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Al-Kateb Hospital is characterized by always working to provide complete comfort to its patients, as their safety is the most important to it, so it is considered one of the primary options for a large number of patients.

One of the important things in Al-Kateb Hospital that it cares about is the care of patients and their rights, so it is always developing buildings, devices and medical supplies firsthand, other than the internal accommodation when needed, it is at a good level thanks to the distinguished medical team assigned to it.

There is a special section in the hospital, which is a specialized center that works to break up the accumulated stones in the kidneys, which constitute a source of inconvenience and fear for many who suffer from it, so they always look for an integrated and reliable medical center.

The center for lithotripsy has a distinguished group of the most skilled surgeons in the hospital who perform such cases at the highest level with an organized management and equipped for all complications in some critical cases.

Keywords About Al-Kateb Hospital
  • Al-Kateb Hospital phone number
  • Address of Al-Kateb Hospital
  • Book an appointment at Al-Kateb Hospital
  • Al-Kateb Hospital reception number
  • Al-Kateb Hospital Timings
  • Doctors of Al-Kateb Hospital
  • Specialties of Al-Kateb Hospital
  • Departments of Al-Kateb Hospital

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