El Mahrousa Hospital

El Mahrousa Hospital

El Mahrousa Hospital

El Mahrousa Hospital

Address of El Mahrousa Hospital

7 Hussein El Gizawy St , Above El Mahrousa Mosque, Mohandeseen, Giza
Mohandeseen Giza

Phone Numbers El Mahrousa Hospital

Fax : 02-33046738

Al-Mahrousa Hospital contains many services and facilities, including: hotel suites, budget rooms, telephones, a special kitchen for children and also a pharmacy open 24 hours with special medicines for children. There are also outpatient clinics around the clock serving all children’s subspecialties, and an emergency room to provide accurate care for all children .

Al-Mahrousa Hospital contains operating rooms equipped with the latest equipment and endoscopes, to perform all pediatric surgeries, as well as fully equipped laboratories and a radiology unit.

Al-Mahrousa Hospital has specialties - internal medicine, women, childbirth, dental clinics, dermatology, venereal medicine, ophthalmology, ear, nose and throat medicine and surgery, and hypnosis clinics - there is also a radiology department and laboratories.

Al-Mahrousa Hospital is also equipped with the latest types of advanced medical devices and contains a group of the most skilled doctors, consultants and specialists in all medical specialties that will contribute to providing outstanding medical service to patients at the highest levels of medical quality.

Keywords About Al-Mahrousa Hospital
  • Al-Mahrousa Hospital phone number
  • Address of Al-Mahrousa Hospital
  • Book an appointment at Al-Mahrousa Hospital
  • Al-Mahrousa Hospital reception number
  • Al-Mahrousa Hospital Timings
  • Doctors of Al-Mahrousa Hospital
  • Specialties of Al-Mahrousa Hospital
  • Departments of Al-Mahrousa Hospital

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