Dr. Mohamed Osama Abdel Ghani

Address of Dr. Mohamed Osama Abdel Ghani

60 El Khalifa El Maamoun St , Floor 4 Flat 3, Beside Souk El Asr Mall, Heliopolis, Cairo
Heliopolis Cairo

Phone Numbers Dr. Mohamed Osama Abdel Ghani

Dr. Mohamed Osama Abdel Ghani Consultant Psychiatrist / Psychiatrist specialized in marital and family problems, psychotherapy sessions, child psychiatry, treatment and rehabilitation of drug and alcohol addiction patients

Entry is by first-come-first-served and the waiting period is not limited according to the period specified in the application, according to the evaluation of the visitors, but it is not binding on the doctor, in order to give each patient the right to be examined.

Services provided by Dr. Mohamed Osama Abdel Ghani : Treatment of depression, treatment of addiction, obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, treatment of mental illness, drug treatment, behavioral and emotional disorders

Keywords About Dr. Mohamed Osama Abdel Ghani
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  • Address of Dr. Mohamed Osama Abdel Ghani
  • Book an appointment at Dr. Mohamed Osama Abdel Ghani
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