ABC Advanced Behavioral Clinic

ABC Advanced Behavioral Clinic

ABC Advanced Behavioral Clinic

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Address of ABC Advanced Behavioral Clinic

18 El Thawra St. - Korba, Heliopolis - Cairo
Heliopolis Cairo

Phone Numbers ABC Advanced Behavioral Clinic

Fax : 02-24147054

ABC Advanced Behavioral Clinic was founded by Dr. Hatem Hamadeh, a dual-certified consultant - a team of doctors, psychiatrists, dietitians and therapists to make sure you get the attention and care you deserve.

Our emotions, feelings, beliefs and attitudes can affect our bodies positively or negatively.

Therefore, ABC Advanced Behavioral Clinic is one of the most important clinics specializing in psychological treatment for children and adolescents - behavioral therapy - cognitive therapy - intelligence tests - treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - family therapy - Treatment of autism - treatment of violence in children - treatment of addiction - treatment of nervousness in children - treatment of psychological problems - psychotherapy sessions - treatment of depression

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  • Address of ABC Advanced Behavioral Clinic
  • Book an appointment at ABC Advanced Behavioral Clinic
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