Dr. Hatem Khairy Madkour

Dr. Hatem Khairy Madkour

Address of Dr. Hatem Khairy Madkour

1 El Atebaa Tower, Ahmed Orabi St , Floor 9, Beside El Essawy Bakery, Shoubra El Khaymah, Kaliobeya
Shubra El Khema Qalubia

Phone Numbers Dr. Hatem Khairy Madkour

Dr. Hatem Khairy Madkour Consultant Cardiologist and Cardiac Catheter Doctor of Cardiovascular Diseases Cardiovascular Fellowship Member of the European Heart Association for Interventional Catheterization National Heart Institute

Consultant of Cardiology and Vascular Diseases / Coronary Catheterization Egyptian Heart Fellowship / Accreditation of the Royal Irish Fellowship Interventional Cardiology Fellowship (Catheterization) Member of the Egyptian Heart Association Member of the European Heart Association Member of the European Heart Association The clinic has all the heart tests EKG/ EKG/ Echocardiography and Echocardiography and pressure follow-up Diabetes and fats Treatment of heart arteries, angina and clots Treatment and follow-up of heart failure Treatment and follow-up of heart valves

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