Al Rayan Hospital in Maadi

Al Rayan Hospital in Maadi

Al Rayan Hospital in Maadi

Al Rayan Hospital in Maadi

Al Rayan Hospital in Maadi

Al Rayan Hospital in Maadi

Al Rayan Hospital in Maadi

Al Rayan Hospital in Maadi

Address of Al Rayan Hospital in Maadi

Street 77, in front of Maadi District Presidency, Ezbet Jibril, Qism Maadi, Cairo Governorate
Maadi Cairo

Phone Numbers Al Rayan Hospital in Maadi

Fax : 02-23594085

Al Rayan Hospital contains most of the medical specialties, which are "heart - brain and nerves - digestive system and endoscopy - kidney medicine and surgery - orthopedics - joint and cartilage treatment - fracture clinic - internal medicine - urinary tract - general surgery - physical therapy for men and women - anti-smoking - rheumatism"
Al Rayan Hospital has a distinguished team of consultants and health care specialists with multiple experiences who are able to treat and follow up on all medical conditions and problems.
Al Rayan Hospital (emergency - lab - radiology - intensive care) 24 hours - operating rooms equipped with the latest equipment - outpatient clinics with all specialties
The hospital owns intensive care equipped with the latest equipment, operating rooms, nurseries and internal rooms at the highest level under the supervision of a group of specialized doctors in all fields and a nursing staff trained in all emergency and critical cases
Keywords About Al Rayan Hospital
  • Al Rayan Hospital phone number
  • Al Rayan Hospital address
  • Book an appointment at Al Rayan Hospital
  • Al Rayan Hospital reception number
  • Al Rayan Hospital Specialties
  • Al Rayan Hospital Laboratory
  • The best doctor in Al Rayan Hospital
  • Examination price in Al Rayan Hospital
  • Birth prices in Al Rayan Hospital
  • Orthopedic doctor at Al Rayan Hospital
  • Al Rayan Hospital Clinics Timings

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