Nariman Hospital

Nariman Hospital

Nariman Hospital

Nariman Hospital

Nariman Hospital

Nariman Hospital

Nariman Hospital

Address of Nariman Hospital

12 Italian Hospital Street - Moharram Bey - Alexandria - Egypt
Moharram Baik Alexandria

Phone Numbers Nariman Hospital

Nariman Hospital is an international university hospital, from which it graduates annually from the finest orthopedic doctors in the Arab world and treats many orthopedic patients conservatively and surgically. It is considered the largest university hospital in orthopedic surgery in the Middle East (400 beds)
The hospital was completely renovated from the donations of some donors, and the operating rooms were increased and equipped with modern machines, recovery rooms and an intensive care unit.
A complete ward was established for reception, outpatient clinics and emergency operations, a new CT scan department was established, a new operating ward was prepared, a new neurological and psychiatric department was built, and a new emergency department was built, and the hospital strength became 449 beds.
In the hospital, the Friends of Orthopedic Patients Association was established to help poor patients
Nariman Hospital has a distinguished team of consultants and health care specialists with multiple experiences who are able to treat and follow up all pathological conditions and medical problems, even the most complex ones.
Keywords About Nariman Hospital
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