Al Shark Hospital

Al Shark Hospital

Al Shark Hospital

Al Shark Hospital

Al Shark Hospital

Al Shark Hospital

Al Shark Hospital

Al Shark Hospital

Al Shark Hospital

Address of Al Shark Hospital

40 Al-Rasheed Street from Ahmed Orabi Street - Agouza District, Giza
EL Agouza Giza

Phone Numbers Al Shark Hospital

Al Shark Hospital clinics contain all specialties with a selection of university professors and consultants
Al Shark Hospital also includes: the internal department, distinguished first-class rooms, and operating rooms equipped with the best anesthesia devices and sterilization levels.
Medical and chemical laboratories, immunoassays, blood and bacterial cultures
Department of Radiology, which includes x-rays, orthopedic x-rays, urology, ultrasound, obstetrics and gynecology x-rays, color Doppler, vascular Doppler, and ultrasound examination of the heart
Department of Rheumatology and Natural Medicine
Department of dentistry, endodontics and prosthodontics, with preparations for children, and total anesthesia for operations
Department of Cardiology, Chest Diseases, Endocrinology, Diabetes and Ultrasound Examination on the Heart
Premature baby nurseries at Al Sharq Hospital provide the highest levels of care by a selection of consultants and specialized nursing at the best prices
Al Shark Hospital nurseries contain the highest level of service and efficiency under the supervision of a selection of consultants and the latest medical equipment
The distinguished first class rooms at Al Shark Hospital are equipped with an electric control bed, a minibar refrigerator, split air conditioning, an LCD screen, and a private bathroom characterized by cleanliness and safety factors with the addition of a newborn bed for childbirth cases
Keywords About Al Shark Hospital
  • Al Shark Hospital phone number
  • Address of Al Shark Hospital
  • Al Shark Hospital Timings
  • Book an appointment at Al Shark Hospital
  • Al Shark Hospital reception number
  • Departments of Al Shark Hospital

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