Nahar Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment

Nahar Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment

Nahar Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment

Nahar Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment

Nahar Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment

Nahar Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment

Nahar Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment

Nahar Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment

Nahar Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment

Nahar Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment

Nahar Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment

Nahar Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment

Address of Nahar Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment

Lower Miraj - Ninth Neighborhood - Behind Carrefour Maadi - Maadi - Cairo
Maadi Cairo

Phone Numbers Nahar Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment

Nahar Center for Mental Health and Addiction Treatment is considered one of the best mental health centers in Egypt.
Treatment is carried out under the care of the best doctors and psychological consultants around the clock. Nahar Center was specially designed to take into account all treatment requirements and the comfort of the guests and to provide all medical treatment services.
More than 15,000 cases were treated in Egypt between 2002 and 2017
Addiction treatment goes through many stages until we reach the appropriate solutions to treat each case according to our vision, and each stage has a special interest and a treatment plan for it.

Treatment of food addiction Doctors rely mainly on the symptoms of food addiction to assess the situation and in many cases the treatment is based on the change that a person makes in his life

The Matrix Program In the 1980s, some doctors and psychiatrists specialized in the treatment of addiction created a new method of treatment, or an integrated treatment program that takes into account the treatment of drug addiction that is the most deadly in the organic and psychological aspects of humans, such as heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine derivatives and other such drugs, and this new treatment method has been proven Its efficiency and vitality in the extent of dealing with addicts because it is integrated in many aspects.

Keywords About Nahar Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment
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  • Address of Nahar Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment
  • Nahar Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment Timings
  • Book an appointment at Nahar Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment
  • Nahar Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment reception number
  • Departments of Nahar Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment

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