Abu Al-Rish Japanese Hospital

Abu Al-Rish Japanese Hospital

Abu Al-Rish Japanese Hospital

Abu Al-Rish Japanese Hospital

Abu Al-Rish Japanese Hospital

Abu Al-Rish Japanese Hospital

Abu Al-Rish Japanese Hospital

Abu Al-Rish Japanese Hospital

Abu Al-Rish Japanese Hospital

Address of Abu Al-Rish Japanese Hospital

1 Ali Pasha Ibrahim Street - Sabda Zainab - Cairo
El Sayeda Zeinab Cairo

Phone Numbers Abu Al-Rish Japanese Hospital

Abu El-Rish Japanese Hospital, also called Cairo University Children's Hospital in Cairo, is one of the largest and most important governmental hospitals with free treatment for children.
The Government of Japan supported the construction of Cairo University Hospital, and capacity building of its staff in response to the Egyptian Government's initiative to improve standards of health care for children on the occasion of the International Year of the Child in 1979.

Since its establishment, the hospital has become known as the “Japanese Hospital” and has been providing advanced medical care services for more than three decades at an affordable cost to Egyptian children from all over the country.

Keywords About Abu El-Rish Japanese Hospital
  • Abu El-Rish Japanese Hospital phone number
  • Address of Abu El-Rish Japanese Hospital
  • Book an appointment at Abu El-Rish Japanese Hospital
  • Abu El-Rish Japanese Hospital reception number
  • Abu El-Rish Japanese Hospital Timings
  • Doctors of Abu El-Rish Japanese Hospital
  • Specialties of Abu El-Rish Japanese Hospital
  • Departments of Abu El-Rish Japanese Hospital

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