Kids Hospital

Kids Hospital

Kids Hospital

Kids Hospital

Kids Hospital

Kids Hospital

Kids Hospital

Kids Hospital

Kids Hospital

Kids Hospital

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Address of Kids Hospital

24 El Forat St Off Gamaet El Dewal El Arabeya St , Beside Abou Adel Restaurant, Mohandeseen, Giza
Mohandeseen Giza

Phone Numbers Kids Hospital

Fax : 02-37499633

Kids Hospital is one of the most places that have high-level medical services, such as radiology centers, laboratories, doctors' clinics, and even places of residence for doctors, which facilitates the process of doctors supervising their cases reserved in the hospital, as well as benefiting from the medical services in specialized centers such as radiology centers and laboratories

The hospital has contracts with more than twenty of these centers to achieve integration in providing medical service, and the first operation was performed on 01/21/2002.

The hospital deals with the elite of pediatric medicine and surgery professors in all medical specialties in addition to a group of trained administrative and technical competencies from anesthesiologists, intensive care doctors, pediatric deputies, surgery, nursing, technicians and administrators trained at the highest level in dealing with critical cases of children, whether internal or surgical cases.
The hospital is equipped with specialized medical devices for children, whether anesthesia devices, surgical and diagnostic endoscopes, intensive care devices, x-rays, ultrasound, a laboratory, a pediatric dental unit, especially children with special needs, and a pharmacy specialized in medicines and supplies for children.

The most important departments in the hospital: -
Surgical Operations Department: The hospital has operating rooms equipped with the latest devices for children and newborns, and the following are the most important surgical specialties

Premature Care Unit: The unit is equipped with the latest incubators, ventilators for premature babies, as well as pediatric intensive care devices.

The internal section: The internal section is equipped with single rooms, suites and one-day surgery rooms at the highest level of medical and hotel equipment.

Emergency Department and Outpatient Clinics: The Emergency and Outpatient Clinics Unit employs more than fifty doctors from among the elite professors of pediatrics and pediatric surgery in all specialties and throughout the week, and the emergency unit operates 24 hours a day.

The operating rooms in the hospital are well-equipped
Led by a group of consultants in all specialties

Keywords About Kids Hospital
  • Kids Hospital phone number
  • Address of Kids Hospital
  • Book an appointment at Kids Hospital
  • Kids Hospital reception number
  • Kids Hospital Timings
  • Doctors of Kids Hospital
  • Specialties of Kids Hospital
  • Departments of Kids Hospital

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