Students Hospital - Cairo University

Students Hospital - Cairo University

Students Hospital - Cairo University

Students Hospital - Cairo University

Students Hospital - Cairo University

Address of Students Hospital - Cairo University

Al-Sarkh Al-Zafer Street - Giza Square - Faisal Bridge Tour - Students Hospital - Cairo University
Giza Giza

Phone Numbers Students Hospital - Cairo University

Fax : 02-35738111, 02-35731862

Students Hospital” is one of the departments of the Central Administration for Medical Affairs, and it is one of the edifices of Cairo University, and it links it with Cairo University hospitals with a protocol for medical and academic cooperation.

The Student Hospital provides all medical services at the highest level, and these services are provided to "university students - faculty members - university employees" free of charge, and there is an economic treatment provided to citizens (from outside Cairo University).
The hospital consists of 2 buildings

The old building consists of four floors, including: The reception section with a capacity (4 beds).
15 specialized outpatient clinics (women - nose and ear - chest - surgery - ophthalmology - dermatology - urology - internal medicine students - internal medicine students - psychological and neurological - heart - physical therapy - bone sugar - brain surgery).
2 dental clinics.
5 internal sections with a capacity (100 beds).
Operations suite (4 tables).
The lab.
Pharmacist (request).
Washing machine .
the kitchen .
The Kidney Department includes (9 machines) hemodialysis.
Department of Physical Therapy .

The new building consists of four floors and includes: 12 specialized outpatient clinics (nose and ear - surgery - ophthalmology - urinary tract - orthopedics - dermatology - internal women - internal men - thoracic women and children - psychological and neurological - heart)
Dental Clinic .
Paid treatment pharmacy.
Intensive Care Department (8 beds for critical cases), (4 beds for moderate cases).
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Department.
Operations suite (4 rooms and a post-operative care room).
The internal section has a capacity (48 beds).

Keywords About Students Hospital Cairo University
  • Students Hospital Cairo University phone number
  • Address of Students Hospital Cairo University
  • Book an appointment at Students Hospital Cairo University
  • Students Hospital Cairo University reception number
  • Students Hospital Cairo University Jobs
  • Students Hospital Cairo University Specialties
  • Doctors of Students Hospital Cairo University
  • Departments of Students Hospital Cairo University
  • Students Hospital Cairo University Timings

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