St. George's Church clinics are among the specialized clinics that make up the Great Martyr St. George's Charitable Hospital.
St. George's Church clinics seek more comprehensive and integrated health care services; Its medical services include both curative and preventive aspects.
St. George's Charitable Hospital is constantly working on developing its clinics and upgrading the level of services provided through them, by providing a range of modern and advanced medical technologies.
The hospital staff includes a group of the most skilled and best doctors - whether in the field of dentistry or any other medical branches - headed by Dr. Waheed Halim, this hospital director, in addition to providing medical support teams and trained and qualified nursing teams.
Keywords About George's Church Clinics
- George's Church Clinics phone number
- Address of George's Church Clinics
- Book an appointment at George's Church Clinics
- George's Church Clinics reception number
- Specializations of George's Church Clinics
- George's Church Clinics Laboratory
- Examination price at George's Church Clinics
- The best doctor in George's Church Clinics
- St George's Hospital Heliopolis Doctors' schedule
- George's Church clinics, Heliopolis Square photos
- George's Church Clinics Hadayek El-Kobba
- George's Church Clinics, Heliopolis