One of the important things that the mother should be known and learned after learning how to breastfeed a child is helping him belching after feeding. When newborn suckle the birth of the mother's breast or two solutions, industrial, swallow a lot of air in the esophagus Vistqr and get rid of this air is located in the stomach, to avoid feeling a lot of Alanzaaajat along with gases and sometimes vomiting. In this article today we'll help you learn how to Chja child and all respect to this subject.
Induces the belching
After the feeding of the child can be left in a position of righteousness for ten minutes in order to help the stability of the food in the stomach and narrated it on your shoulder and face with the interviewer support his chin comfortably on your shoulder and patting on the back quietly for a result. Do not have to wait the child until the end of breastfeeding but must Thtij on belching when mobility of the breast to another, or yet to be dealt with 90 ml of Gueninth This is because the air we swallow it will still exists at the top of the stomach to get rid of it and will facilitate faster.
Various positions belching
It is possible the child carry vertically with his face interviewer and patting on the back or could be seated child in your lap with Dahr straight and use the first hand to support his chest and his head from the front second hand rubbing the back in a circular motion, also Tsttiei put the child on your lap in the supine position and abdomen down But care must be taken in this situation to Cape guaranteed to always be higher than the chest Msty.
Retrieve food and spitting, vomiting, and the difference between them
By belching or an hour after feeding the baby may spit up a small amount of milk, but it is a compulsory act of vomiting and the exit of large amounts of food, and in the case of recovery of food as a result of this act be set aside for the ripening valve which closes your child's stomach.
Is it necessary to burp the baby after feeding?
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