With that you may feel in some nights of insomnia because of stress at work or fatigue, but tried to stay away as much as possible about sleeping pills and you have multiple reasons for that.
- The body may resist
Hypnotic effect of drugs on the body may change with the passage of time. With that accept them at first, but he will develop resistance to the effectiveness that you have used for a long time, forcing you to overdose of them to sleep and miss This is of serious side effects may arrive to death.
- Disorders occurs during sleep
Sleeping pills can be reflected negatively on your body and cause you some disorders that occur during sleep as talking during sleep or Almsheee or bedwetting at night and other annoying symptoms. While the patient is awake but he almost can not remember things that happened with him, and this is a great danger to the patient's health.
- Idle
Some who take the pills resort to get the most impact they take pills more effective than Sachaaram sluggish and sleepy after waking up every morning that they can not wake up in time prior to the time who used it as they can not drive in this case.
- Addiction
Some people may become addicted to eating these pills because they are getting rid of insomnia and the physician must intervene in this case to address the symptoms of addiction which is more important than the problem of insomnia.
- The risk of death and cancer
According to a study conducted at the University of California about taking sleeping pills proved to be addressed may shorten life as well as it makes more susceptible to cancer person.
- memory loss
This grain of sleep can cause memory loss that the patient has used to significantly addressed Vozart study that older people who take sleeping pills for more than 3 months are more likely to develop Alzheimer's disease.
Beware of sleeping pills to eat these reasons!
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