It is a child's diet is necessary and very important to the physical and intellectual growth, a child adopted during the first six months of his life on just milk in their food. But with reaching the sixth month starts eating solid foods, it is important to ensure good he gets all the vitamins and minerals needed by the body.


What is the importance of fruits in the diet of a child?

Fruits are many nutritional benefits for the child and contribute to the reduction of risk of injury to the child obesity and improve intellectual performance. Valfoake contain a wide range of vitamins, minerals and other healthy compounds and antioxidants, and each type of fruit characteristics.


Fruit properties

Here are the most prominent types of fruit characteristics that can be addressed to the infant before reaching the first birthday:

- Apple: Eating baby apple juice a day is very important for their health it contains vitamin C and is therefore generally strengthens the body's immune diseases, especially influenza and helps the absorption of iron in the blood of the child.

- Bananas: Bananas is a rich source of potassium which is an essential fruit that must be addressed by the infant. It also tastes good and is easy to soft fruit covered for a child.

- Berries: raspberries is very important in the diet of infants because it contains large amounts of antioxidants and fiber and vitamins A and C.

- Cantaloupe and watermelon: watermelon, cantaloupe on ample amounts of vitamin A and C contain calcium, beta which is very important for child health nutrients.

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