A lot of people suffer from gas and abdominal swelling, resulting often from the food we eat and lead to these disorders in the stomach, or the result of several things we will post them in this thread.

Avoid flatulence

Avoiding flatulence, we avoid the causes that lead to this problem and that the result be of gases in the digestive tract and these reasons:


- Do not carry a particular leads to not decompose properly due to lack of certain enzymes needed to decompose food.


- Food allergy, and this is what happens as a result of a reaction of the immune system caused by eating food such as celiac disease in which the body which is unable to deal with the gluten disease.


- Irritable bowel syndrome, a group of physiological phenomena which are attributed to improper activity of the gut, resulting from the turmoil in the digestion of food in the intestines process, as well as the existence of psychological factors such as stress.


- Soft drinks, which is one of the most important causes of flatulence and increase the entry of gas into the digestive tract.


- Chewing gum and smoking.


- The use of different drugs vital Kalmdadat or medicines that contain lactose or sucrose or fructose.


- Food additives or food dyes in processed foods.


There are also foods known to be the causes of flatulence such as grain and lead to be gas in the digestive system, which should be avoided, there are foods that relieve symptoms and advised taking it.


Treatment of abdominal swelling natural methods

For the treatment of bloated Here are some natural ways that you can take:


- Cinnamon: Add half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder to a cup of warm milk and stir well, and you can also add some honey because it calms the stomach and reduces gas gathering in the abdomen.


- Apple cider vinegar: Apple cider vinegar is used in case of exposure to indigestion because it helps the body to expel the gases present in it and then rest and therefore is ideal in the treatment of gases and flatulence. It also works to calm the stomach rapidly. We just added two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to a cup of warm water, then left to cool and then be addressed.


- Ginger: helps ginger to expel gas from the stomach and in several ways, including chewing a piece of fresh ginger regularly after meals, and you can also add small amounts of dried or fresh ginger to your food it improves digestion and relieves stomach and colon, as we take the parts equal ground ginger, fennel, cardamom and mix well in a cup of water with the addition of a little Ferula to the mix is ​​then eat this mixture once or twice a day.


- Fennel: Definitely the best element for quick relief from bloating and gas, just add a few fennel seeds to a bowl of hot water and let it simmer for five minutes over low heat. And then drink it, declaring the end of the bulges in the stomach, intestines, colon, and you can also chew fresh fennel leaves if you can afford the bait.


- Peppermint: You can use mint to get rid of the gases in several ways to add the mint leaves into tea it is possible to eat three times a day, and can chew mint leaves directly, or put two drops of peppermint oil in half a cup of cold water and drink once or twice a day.

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