Sleep disorder in children occur in the first and second years, and may be transient or chronic. Causes usually revert to psychological factors, Khdot change in the child's life as a result of joining the incubation center, or because of a fear of strangers. And take sleep disorders in children certain forms, know them through this article.

Forms of sleep disorders in children

Dread: This case appears in the years before the study. Child and haunting nocturnal bout of panic because of the dream, which led to wake him up and caused him to panic. The look on the child's signs of stress as speed heart palpitations, and mydriasis, rapid breathing, sweating and feeling scared.

Nightmares: Nightmares are different from the panic that the child can remember the dream that led to the awakening unlike a heart scare. This is followed by the stage of the nightmare period of full wakefulness.

Sleepwalking: considered normal for children and may be associated with urination during sleep. In most of these cases, the issue is a matter of time the child and return to normal life.

Talk during sleep: the child was repeating words or sentences, unintelligible or ambiguous, sometimes accompanied by expressions and emotions such as laughing or screaming or crying.

Sleep anxiety: a light sleep, accompanied by volatility and continuous movement in bed. It is an occasional case afflict most of the kids, but that lasted Vtanaj to treat.

How parents behave?

As for the psychological factor and the first great influence in sleep disorders in children, the parents a major role in addressing them, such as avoiding differences and not to punish the child and reprimanded and do not allow children to watch violent scenes on television. It is also important to organize a child's life and times of sleep, eat and play has not changed this routine abruptly and continuously. You can also follow the steps to help the baby to sleep quietly, as a room that can relieve him psychologically with the addition of some of the colors that he loves, and lit during sleep lightly so as not afraid of the dark.

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