Suffer significant segment of women to improve their risk irregular menstrual cycle, and this is not Bada, but from a woman's duty to take it seriously and talked specialist doctor detects it and we are today through this article we will give you the risk of irregular menstrual cycle.
What are the risks of irregular menstrual cycle?
- Of the first reasons that coming to our minds when irregular menstrual cycle are hormonal reasons for this reason it is a woman's duty to conduct an examination of hormones when observed any delay in the session it is possible that there is a defect whatever happens.
- Other risks of irregular menstrual cycle mention the suffering women of any strikes in the thyroid gland or the pituitary, and other things remind Bagging ovaries or high blood sugar.
- The risk of irregular menstrual cycle mention depression, a condition experienced by women during the erratic session also lead not address the issue quickly to malnutrition and some chronic diseases that may be suffered by women, along with the ability to get the body excess kilograms.
Treat irregular menstrual cycle
- Ms. any way affected by this matter were infected with obesity have to come back down in weight to reach the proper weight.
- It is important that women stay away from any tension or physical stress or nervous.
- It is necessary to avoid the lady who suffer from irregular menstrual cycle all Kalmalebatt preserved foods and frozen meat.
- It has to move away from the practice of violent exercise, especially during menstruation.
- A duty not to eat painkillers during menstruation.
- It has to deal with soothing herbs Kalnanaa and marjoram.
- A woman with irregular menstrual cycle to stay away from smoking, alcoholic and soft drinks
Ahdhirn the risk of irregular menstrual cycle
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