Every child needs to get a timely and healthy food in order to grow and be completed rapidly increasing strength. It is known that children need to eat protein and vitamins a day, it deemed to be a white one this important items for children. And the child can start eating egg yolks since the sixth month Viamn him healthy food. So we offer you the most important types of eggs benefits to children's health.
Benefits of eggs to children's health
First, eating eggs helps in the growth of neurons and memory centers in the brain, which seeks to mental and creative capacity development.
Second, eat boiled eggs twice a week helps to strengthen the sense of sight in children, reducing the risk of Aattam lens of the eye and atrophy of the network.
Third, eggs play a key role in the body of the children it keeps the blood sugar.
Fourth, vitamin D is found in eggs, so eating regularly helps children to strengthen bones and teeth.
Fifth, the therapeutic benefits of eggs several Kaltkhals colds, fight bacteria and intestinal diseases, and so by the material Alofumikrocalopulin it contains eggs.
Sixth, the choline found in eggs activates the liver, which is working on the balance of cholesterol found in the blood level in children.
Finally, the children eat eggs at least twice a week, it helps to stimulate the growth they have, because it contains vitamin B which also helps in the treatment of deficiencies in growth in the early stages of childhood.
For these reasons should address white children
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