When women become pregnant, especially in the first time it may entertain some concern about a lot of things that you should inquire about a pregnant woman until you feel safe and reassure the mind and carry on her. Some signs that through her uncovered in this topic has notes you will know that a healthy pregnancy and a flawless Valakn some signs of a healthy pregnancy.
1. sugar level and blood pressure
Home of the most important indicators of the health of the pregnancy is the blood sugar level and blood pressure. For women follow these indicators on an ongoing basis and monitored the first time you want to pregnancy where, and we should not be afraid if Dgtha higher than usual because of natural to be so in pregnant women but to rise significantly could threaten the safety of the fetus because the carrier may become poisoned serious entails premature birth .
2. uterus and placenta
Of the most important problems that may lead to abortion are problems in the uterus or placenta. If the placenta is well hanging wall of the uterus and properly considered one of the signs of a healthy pregnancy because any separation from the latter premature may lead to the loss of the fetus.
3. Overweight
Women may gain during pregnancy from 13 to 15 kg natural weight health during the nine months of pregnancy, and on women be aware that, if it suffers the basis of excess weight that you do not need to use all of kilograms permitted her because she had caused her problems with weight during pregnancy and after birth.
4. fetal movements
Besides the doctor should sound and images that are subject her to take notice of women is the same as the number of fetal movements especially in the latter stages of pregnancy revisions, it ensures the child get enough oxygen and sound health.
4 signs of pregnancy health
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