Of medically it is known that the injured part of the body affects the rest of the members of the body often hear that the doctor request a urine analysis at certain illnesses and in order to reach the correct diagnosis, Fallon urine indicates the disease often.

In this issue you'll learn about your disease through urine color and examples of this are many, including:

1-color urine red or Red Urine
And it occurs due to several reasons, including what is the patients and some of which is a natural example, when you eat food or drinks, contain artificial colors or intake of certain fruit Kaltot and beet urine changes color to red and back to normal in a short time and enter the medical needs no and the treatment is to stop eating such foods, urine color also changed to red color due to the presence of infections of the urinary tract or the presence of stones and the descent of red blood cells that change the color of urine and this situation had to consult a doctor and do some tests, there are also drugs urine color changed to red as a show both sides of the drugs such as the treatment of tuberculosis.

2-urine light yellow or yellow Urine
This is the natural color of Paul and indicates that your college work well unless accompanied by other symptoms.

3-dark yellow urine Dark Yellow Urine
Dark yellow color indicates the increasing concentration of the urine and indicates a lack of water intake.

4. yellow urine color dark Dark Urine
And it looks like a tea color and refers to a defect in the channels Alemraraah liver because of a blockage, for example Bhsoh and be accompanied by symptoms other Kasfrar skin color and conjunctivitis and the presence of diarrhea white color, as there are some medicines from their side effects she makes urine color dark.

5-color urine or foggy Sustained Turbid Urine
Often see it in the urine analysis and is Cher to an infection in the urinary tract and the concomitant presence of pain in the lower abdomen and a burning sensation when urinating and may be accompanied by the presence of pus and are treating this condition with antibiotics.

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