Women infected during periods of pregnancy as a result of laziness problem of constipation and irregular bowel movement causes the food remain inside the intestine for long periods, with the difficulty of getting rid of this waste as a result of pregnancy and intrauterine pressure on the intestinal hormones. Trying to get rid of this waste will lead to the occurrence of hemorrhoids that will cause women pain during defecation. So I will update you on the best ways to get rid of the problem of constipation during pregnancy.

1. Pregnant women must foods that contain a lot of fiber, for example, any Kalkhaddar broccoli and peas and bread fruit strawberries Alnkhalhwalasair containing fruit rind eating.

2. Replacement of the three basic meals five meals eaten throughout the day to help the digestive system to get rid of waste and digest food.

3. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, water is helping to rid the body of toxins and lubricate the intestines makes it easier Altl_khas of waste.

4. dieting with a specialist doctor does not contain a lot of iron because the latter and despite its importance for pregnant women and the need for his presence in the body during pregnancy cause constipation.

5. jogging daily, and at least for a period of 10 minutes, this helps to move the blood circulation helps the digestion process and get rid of the food better.

6. Set aside time after the food to enter the bathroom because after eating the body works to get rid of old waste that do not need it after eating.

7. The use of laxatives may feel comfortable but in my time, so it is advisable not to use it because it also has negative effects on pregnant woman and the fetus.

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