Bhmodh that the incidence of stomach acid or Ricochet is a nuisance to a large extent, what drives some people to eat some acidity drugs found in most homes and pharmacies. But are days we wondered if there was some disadvantages to these drugs or some of the risks? So in this issue we will mention today all the risks of acidity drugs that we eat.

Bacterial infection

The World Health Organizations Tusina reduction of the use of these in circulation among us drugs, because it raises the risk of bacterial infection that may be sometimes dangerous bacteria, or chronic, because these drugs depends on the strategy to reduce the amount present in the stomach acids, which are the basis of the most important lines solid defense that address the body and fights all kinds of bacteria that may afflict the body by eating contaminated foods or bacteria in the air or on our hands.

Some studies have proven and research what has overlooked by most of us is that people who eat acidity drugs usually develop diarrhea from time to time due to bacteria that enter the body can not find sufficient quantities of acids to fight and kill her has come for the incidence of these bacteria not only diarrhea But some serious intestinal diseases such as infection.

Serious indicators

In the Journal of Infectious Diseases Clinical published a study carried out by the doctor Lederman review the cases of half of the patients who Atajawa to find that most of them were having acidity drugs in addition to some of the deaths who were deadly bacteria, which was found after several tests they were taking acidity drugs on a daily basis before the injury and before entering the hospital . In another study carried out by the doctor Michael Howell from the Faculty of Medicine at Harvard University and after studying a hundred thousand cases treated in hospitals all over the 5 years to increase infection of people who take the acidity of the stomach bacteria lethal drugs increased by 74%.

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