Usually from people that coffee drinkers in the morning to start their day, but we are actively today through this article Snnsahkm replacing tea and coffee to you in the following reasons.

- Helps creativity and innovation

A new study about the motives and passion that published material theanine a unique amino acid of its kind found in tea, help solve creative problems here and advised a cup of tea instead of coffee cup thinkers.

- Do several things

Tea may help man to do several things, because theanine, according to research recently published in the Netherlands Ihvzr alpha waves in the brain which is associated with relaxation The caffeine stimulates alertness, attention and blend tea and caffeine gives a person the best performance of the tasks.

- Better concentration

Tea cup helps to give the person at work or study's ability to focus as he fights body fatigue and exhaustion and adjusts to maintain focus.
- Keep the body alert
Caffeine in tea work best to increase vigilance than just the presence of caffeine in the water.

- The benefits of green tea in the morning

Green tea also health benefits because it works to burn fat especially that accumulate on the wall of the arteries and cause heart clots, Vkob tea reduces the possibility of accumulation of fat, which is about human clots and contribute to the preservation of the heart and reduce LDL cholesterol level in the blood.

- The benefits of tea per day

Tea usually contributes in moisturizing body as it speeds up the process of digestion, and patched concentration ratio Besides battling cancer and heart disease as it struggles respiratory diseases. Addresses tea diarrhea in addition to that it works as a diuretic and prevents the accumulation of fluid in the body.

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