Of things spread diseases among children find weight loss experienced by many of the mothers Faiholn impossible to give their baby a little weight. In this topic Here are some tips.
Primary reasons
- It is possible that the reason is due to the small amount of breast milk can not be satisfied the child from him, and this can be seen from the frequent crying child until after feeding, neither keepeth only when offer him milk.
- If the child does not suckle directly from the breast but are based on breast feeding milk ready it is possible that he does not receive a sufficient quantity of milk, and here we must increase the quantity or according to the water or to keep in mind that the amount placed properly.
- After that the child weaned from breastfeeding and weight remain as is, but not impaired, this is evidence that the meals provided to him unsaturated not suit them.
- Could be that the child is suffering from malabsorption of food and this explains the color or pale stools soft and frequent.
- The child may be infected with severe gastro-esophageal Bakuls which explains the status of vomiting after every meal.
- It is possible that the child is underweight suffer from heart or kidney or chromosomal syndromes carried with him from the uterus during pregnancy diseases diseases, according to mother nature pregnancy.
Psychological reasons
- Often underweight due to poor child nutrition or nutrition mistakes.
- Likely in some cases be a small maternal age and lack of experience in feeding her child is the reason.
- Nervous vertex where the child is afraid of gaining weight obliges case vomiting after meals.
Command is processed
- Must be the multiplication of the number of daily meals Venattiy child 5 meals instead of three.
- We can encourage the child to eat snacks between basic meals such as fruit and milk yogurt.
- Think about that offer food to him in tools Ksahon loved color and forms encouraging to eat.
- The baby should breastfeed every 3 hours for 15 minutes of each breast, although I felt that not only the mother can not put milk in infancy and offered to him.
- Can increase rice powder to milk or wheat.
What are the causes of underweight in children
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