Child passes in the teething stage often starting from the sixth month and some of the children when they reach the fourth month and others may be delayed appearance of primary teeth. The baby teeth begin to grow while he was still in the uterus so that the bud is formed under the gums. While growing baby teeth, it may cause pain and irritation and swelling and armor is the stage teething children of the difficult stages to parents and children alike, with rarely pass this stage without pain often associated with pain and discomfort and illness child who will need a lot of care and attention.
What are the symptoms of teething children?

There are signs and symptoms of a common phenomenon for teething children, including:

- Redness of the gums and swollen
- Redness of the cheeks or face generally
- Rubbing the ear in the same entity which will appear Age
- Excessive salivation
- Survival in the morning throughout the night and sleep in the daytime
No appetite for feeding
- Child rubbed the gums or bite or suck things
- Child mood changes and crying for no reason
- Some mothers think that their children high heat and sometimes diarrhea is caused by teething process but most doctors insist that teething does not cause such symptoms do not think.

Natural ways to treat teething children

There are many natural ways to deal with the pain and discomfort caused by teething in children, including:

- Give fruits and vegetables, non-cooked: useful fruits such as oranges and grapefruit cutting grapefruit and give it to the child, it eases the pain of the gums also provide fruit snack and compensated somewhat for the lack of breastfeeding. Also, give the baby slices of cooked vegetables of others relieve pain from the gums and allow the child to biting and numbness gums advised to give iced option which Stkhaddr Berodtha baby's gums. It can also give the baby biter distracts them and to alleviate the pain as the biter is working to put pressure on the new age the child feels comfortable.

- Chilled wet fabrics: to relieve pain from teething put a clean cloth dampened in the fridge and make it freeze half an hour at least Valbroodh and cohesion cloth numbs the gums and relieves tension of the child.

- Do not leave a child alone: useful distraction child continuously during the period of teething in order to forget his sense of pain and stress relief has.

- Knit and rub the gums: useful Knit baby's gums with a clean finger to put a little pressure on the pain convenient location. You can also rub the gums with oil, vanilla which calms the pain.

- Natural herbs: to give the baby the natural herbs and Kalpapunj Alzizvzon reduces teething pain and relaxes the muscles of the child.

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