Some diseases and symptoms in the body are associated with each other closely. Many of the symptoms of the disease caused the accession of other symptoms or infect one disease is the richness of it. In our article today of my health we will talk about the relationship between high blood pressure and headaches.
High blood pressure and risks
Often high blood pressure in the intracranial happen (a confined space is not available for expansion) as a result of many neurological diseases and injuries therefore that this rise can cause a negative impact on the contents of the brain which leads to problems in the central nervous system of the body. Fajtorth lies in the direct impact on the flow of blood to the head and provide him with necessary oxygen. As it is normal in cases of head pressure ranges from zero to fifteen mm Hg and responds to changes in several cough and breathing. If this rate has risen about 15 mm poses a serious threat to life, the body tries to fight this problem, but that did not work will see the effect of this problem by the following symptoms.
High blood pressure cause headaches
Human catch many types of headaches in the head and there is a kind of a headache hits the rear region especially the latter increasing pain in the morning and hide its effect during the day and coming back for more when bending or cough accompanied by headache nausea and vomiting, but may become better with painkillers.
And pressing the first two types called the initial pressure is usually accompanied by headache, sweating and an increase in heart rate, and the second name is the secondary pressure and has other symptoms such as renal failure or obese. Sometimes people get high pressure which causes the firing disrupt hormones in the body and this imbalance is usually accompanied by strong headache. It is also proved that the high blood pressure of the main reasons for organic headache which is a pain in the head either above the eyes or back of the head or upper neck.
The close relationship between high blood pressure and headaches
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