Climate change is not particular to the winter where the bitter cold of the most important factors of cold stomach, which is a chronic inflammation in the intestines, and that tension or anxiety may cause a kind of cold stomach and review with you through my health ways to address the cold stomach site in order to no longer be this an obstacle in our lives.
Ways to address the cold stomach
Of the most important ways in which the stomach through processing cold drinking water and fluids at a rate of more than eight cups a day, and ways of treatment:
- Ginger: Ginger is anti-inflammatory, which helps the digestive system to carry out its functions properly.
- Peppermint: Peppermint struggling inflammation of the abdomen, and relieve hardship in the digestive tract and relieve nervous disease of the colon and can drink it with tea to be more effective.
- Tea: Red tea calms inflammation of the digestive tract and relieve any spasm in this device, and eliminates the symptoms of feeling very cold with high temperature.
- Chamomile: Chamomile calms inflammation of the intestines and stomach and addresses the body feels comfortable.
- Marble: used to calm the nerves, relieve abdominal pain, and are Asthaddamhaa in treatment by drinking boiled.
- Apple: Apple is used in the treatment of cases of acute diarrhea and strong, and is also useful to add with food.
As if the cold causes stomach is cold be treated through:
- Treatment of neurosis and neurological problems and ease the tension and anxiety.
- If the cause of the stomach cold incidence of food poisoning should go to the nearest hospital and conduct the necessary tests to treat the disease.
- Rest and sleep for more than eight hours a day what alleviate the disease.
How can I treat cold stomach?
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