With aging performance of many members of the human body such as thyroid function, which is essential not dispense with it especially decreases after the age of forty, decreases its activity leads to injury of several diseases, including a defect in the function of hormones responsible for the metabolism of any processes that lead to the energy to body cells produce . This results in a constant feeling tired, fatigue and lack of energy down to depression. Also, a bug that affects the thyroid gland can cause an increase in body weight without the desire to do so, and today we Snhdzq through this article about thyroid effect on obesity.
A defect in the thyroid gland work
Of the thyroid gland in the human body and several functions, including converting sugar into glucose, which is one of the essential processes in the body, and in no Tqaast from doing its job accumulate sugar in the blood leads to weight gain even obesity or diabetes or blood pressure. Besides, the function of this gland also convert food into energy, but if you do not, human hair constant hunger even eat small quantities will fail if the body converts these quantities into energy will be stored lotion increases weight without his will.
Sloth gland complications
In what is directly related to weight gain it can be caused by laziness in the work of this gland. This can be seen many of the symptoms associated with this condition such as feeling cold, hair loss, a sense of apathy and a tendency to permanent sleep. The degree of injury and symptoms from one person to another, and sometimes it is hard to detect that the human suffering of laziness in thyroid function in early due to the slow emergence of these symptoms. There are other symptoms may appear after hypothyroidism include constipation and the feeling of dry skin and irregular menstrual cycle in women, what also causes obesity. It is important for each person to consult his doctor when noticing the symptoms mentioned previously, especially in terms of weight gain without food be linked to his regime, in addition to the permanent fatigue.
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How thyroid affect obesity?
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