health food and unhealthy ranges and of course we all know the rules and we have to move away with him in our daily lives but do you ever think that canned sauces are also hazardous to your health and may cause you and your family serious and chronic diseases as well as cancer?
Risks canned sauces
It launched a recent medical study on canned sauces and large alerted to the dangers that surround its use, especially in the daily food preparation. Scientific Evidence stated by far the studies done on the sauces confirmed beyond doubt for the big health damage penetrating the human body Vasalsat and as we know, are placed in metal cans or paper or in cardboard boxes. This packaging Almichrb chemicals With the passage of time, store it and save it secretes a substance Albaesfinol that cause obesity and diabetes as well as disturbances that hit the reproductive tract and prostate.
Besides it issued a study conducted by American scientists months to confirm that the use of canned sauces in the long term can lead to cancer, particularly breast cancer.
So, to avoid all these negative things that resides in canned sauces Try fresh tomatoes put your food if your time allows you, and the gay to the use of sauces placed in a bottle because they are healthier than canned because the glass does not store carcinogens in the long term as opposed to canned goods.
Beware of the risk of canned sauces!
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