If memory loss disease that affects the elderly Vaalma it is not just the preserve them because of this disease that kills everyone and every person that holed up against him to protect himself from him and prevent his brain from disadvantages and today we are to this goal we will give to you through the appropriate foods that strengthen the memory of the article.
- Fish: Fish is rich in omega-3 than salmon, mackerel and others, along with the presence of a fatty acid "Djelkozahixanwick" It is one of the basic components of human-to-head this acid activates the memory and advised taking it twice a week.
- Avocado: Avocado contains a high proportion of vitamin E, vitamin C and antioxidants Aghannaan are contributing valuable reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.
- Nuts: walnuts is also useful in foods enhance memory noticed the nut takes the form of the brain and doctors have confirmed it contains the antioxidants reduce the risk of brain damage with days.
- Islands: with the islands and is known as strengthens the matter but it contributes a large proportion to the improvement of the functions of the head Vttoagd factors which reduce inflammation of the brain and the symptoms of memory loss with age.
- Berries: Berries irresistible old, according to nutrition scientists and a lot of antioxidants which a duty to help the brain activity and strength.
- Red Onions: Onions memory addresses diseases and have proven its effectiveness over the years in the fight against memory decline.
- Cherry: Cherry fruit known as rich in antioxidants that renews the brain cells and activated.
- Apple: It is known that the fruit of apples help to overcome many of the diseases as it contains anti-oxidant substance asylum "Qirstin," a material that fights Alzheimer's disease in the body.
These are the dishes that strengthens memory
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