- Can you will begin adding your child eating food meals when complements between 4 and 6 months of age.

- Most of the children are ready to eat the food of completion of the fourth month to the sixth. Before that age most babies do not have the ability to control the muscles of the mouth and their tongue instead of paying the ingestion of food spoon elderberry. This helps reflected on the natural or artificial feeding.

- Most children lose this reflex at the age of four months while the child need to increase dietary energy at this age also makes him the ideal age to start with food.

- Food can be given to the child at any meal. Initially ideal time must be adhered to so that it can feed a child for a full-time only, and when the child grows up is most likely that he will want to eat with the rest of the family.

- You must keep your child sitting through food to avoid suffocation. If wept or turned his face hunger Trgmah not to take it.

- In this period you have to Tadla about feeding your baby for a week or two and then try again.

- Use a spoon always your baby solid food to feed. Some mothers confuse food with milk in infancy and this is not a good idea because it can cause suffocation of the child and give the child extra power may cause an increase in weight.

- It is important for your child to get used to the food style: sit down and then take the bits of the spoon and break morsels and then stop at the satiety. This early experience will help your child learn healthy eating habits for the rest of his life.

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