Natural human body contains two kidneys, each weighing one of them about 150 grams, and ranging in length in normal adult between 11-13 cm and a diameter of 4-5 cm, a kidney shape. The kidneys are located in the abdominal cavity on either side of the spine, at the level of the lumbar spine, and each college is made up of about a million units renal (Cleon) Each nephron consists of a glomerulus and pipes nomination. But you ever wondered what are the functions of the kidneys in the body?

- Urine output
O operation begins the nomination and that the passage of blood through the glomeruli, which allow the passage of fluids and salts from which the candidate pipe absorbs salts and liquids rates balanced according to the need of the body, secrete fluids and salts that the body does not need through the urine, which consists of these fluids and salts and other secretions.

- Control blood pressure
The kidneys of the most important control points in blood pressure, when low blood pressure for one reason or another, kidney hormone renin, which activates a set of chemical reactions and eventually leads to constriction of peripheral arteries and increase blood pumped from the heart, allowing high blood pressure excreted. In contrast, when blood pressure rises from the normal range, the kidneys excrete some of the material, which leads to peripheral arterial diastole and then widen, even accommodate a larger amount of blood leads to low pressure.

- Activated vitamin D
Vitamin D is responsible for regulating the absorption of calcium from the intestine and deposited in the bones, take out the excess of it through the kidneys, etc., and the main source of vitamin D is the self-production of fat under the skin effect of direct sunlight, in addition to dietary sources of animal Kaldhun

- Adjust the pH of the blood PH
The kidneys secrete excess acid ions such as hydrogen and the development of alkaline carbonate Na Hco3 and add them to the blood.

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