It suffers a lot of people, especially young men and women from the problem of fat in the face, what affects the freshness of the skin, and this is what makes it somewhat lackluster. These fats may lead to several problems, including the fatty white and black heads and acne. The rise in the proportion of fat increases the sheen and makes the skin oily, and this is what makes a face more onerous and devoid of vitality.
First, clean the face on an ongoing basis will help you to get rid of dust and bacteria that are a major reason for the emergence of fat in the face.
Second, do not use cleaning products contain chemicals, and replace preparations are made of natural materials as oil tea.
Third, it is best not to wash the face with soap more than two or three times during the day, and the use of hot water, which help you to clean the pores and remove the fat.
Fourth, the use of oil-free lotions to remove make-up before a day of sleep.
Fifth, put a mask for facial skin at least twice a week will help you to renew the freshness of the face, and the use of scrap to remove dead cells.
Sixth, the tension is one of the main reasons for the emergence of fat in the skin of the face, so you relax and camouflage from time to time.
Seventh, it is best to use appropriate sun visor Aljai of oils.
Eighth, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of the food you Taatnol, and reduce fatty foods such as fast food, soft drinks and chocolate. These dishes helps to excrete a large amount of fat, especially in the facial area.
Get rid of the fat face To glow bright
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